ADG launches Scotland branch to engage in Scottish NHS dentistry reform


The ADG launched the first roundtable meeting of its new Scotland branch on Thursday 16th February in Edinburgh.

Attendees included representatives from ADG members Clyde Munro, BUPA Dentalcare, my dentist and Portman together with prospective new members.  The meeting discussed and agreed the ADG’s “Six to Fix” policy proposals to narrow oral health inequalities in Scotland and create a more sustainable workforce in NHS dentistry.

Neil Carmichael, Chair of the ADG said;

“All four nations, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have embarked on processes of reform of NHS dentistry services. In recognition of this we are establishing new branches in Scotland and Wales to engage in the process of reform with policymakers in the months ahead.” 

 “We welcome the continuing “bridging payments” being made by the Scottish Government until October this year, and the ambition for a reformed funding arrangement for NHS dentists so that they are supported for the future.  We wish to see a more administratively simpler and clinically focused system – but it must also include and embed dental workforce planning.”